Dear Lunch and Learn participant,

Click here for the link to the interview.

Thank you for joining us over lunch today! I’ve compiled links of all we’ve covered today, and put them into categories. This is followed by a book list arrange in order of accessibility. If you’re a voracious reader, you’ll be able to uncover more book titles through those links.

Lastly, consider subscribing to the Kingdom Rice blog. All the links from https://kingdomrice.org come from the blog. Just go to the bottom of the website and hit subscribe.

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Embodying God’s honor in my own story

Bringing Honor to the Diversity of people in SF

Reimagining the Good News


  • This link is a fairly accessible book list on the topic of honor and shame and following are very brief comments from me: http://honorshame.com/recommendations/
    • 1) “The 3D Gospel”- this is the shortest and most accessible book, so I’d start here, or it’s predecessor, “Honor and Shame: Unlockin the Door” which is the first book under “Further books…” 
    • 2) “Ministering in HONOR-SHAME cultures…” is the next book I’d get. It’s one of the first, if not the first biblical narrative from an honor-shame perspective. I wrote a post on this here. 
    • 3) “Shame Interrupted” I have, but not finished. 
    • 4) “The Global Gospel” – I’d read this AFTER “Ministering….” 
  • Here is a very personal, 5-star articulate book that describes a lot of my experience serving with Cru as an ethnic minority written by a former colleague.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G3BH3J4/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 
  • Regarding Support Raising. Coming up in the next two weeks, an excerpt from my latest book on support-raising from an ethnic minority perspective. (you’ll have to subscribe to get notification. Or, it will appear here: https://supportraisingsolutions.org/blog/ by October. If you are a missionary, this is a site of “best practices” for support raising.

And lastly, from William Carey publishers, an upcoming book called ““Honor, Shame, and the Gospel: Reframing Our Message and Ministry.” I contributed chapter 10. Again, you’ll have to subscribe to https://kingdomrice.org to get notification once it’s out. But here’s the Table of Contents as a teaser: 

Foreword-Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen: “Honor, Guilt, Shame, Face, and Forgiveness: A Brief Theological and Interdisciplinary Sketch.”

Chapter 1-Steven Hawthorne: “The Honor and Glory of Jesus Christ: Heart of the Gospel and the Mission of God.” 

Chapter 2-Jayson Georges: “Honor and Shame in Historical Theology: Listening to Eight Voices.” 

Chapter 3-Tom Steffen: “A Clothesline Theology for the World: How a Value-Driven Grand Narrative of Scripture Can Frame the Gospel.” 

Chapter 4-Jackson Wu: “Saving Us from Me: Cultivating Honor and Shame in a Collectivist Church.”

Chapter 5-E. Randolph Richards: “The Shaming of Jesus in John.” 

Chapter 6-Mako A. Nagasawa: “Empowering Personal Healing through the ‘Medical Substitutionary Atonement.’” 

Chapter 7-Steve Tracy: “Abuse and Shame: How the Cross Transforms Shame.”

Chapter 8-Lynn Thigpen: “The Dark Side of Orality.” 

Chapter 9-Arley Loewen: “Must Honor Clash with Humility? Transformed Honor within the Emerging Church in Muslim Societies.” 

Chapter 10-Steve Hong: “Sharing God’s Love in an Urban, Pluralistic Context.” 

Chapter 11-Cristian Dumitrescu: “Discipleship in Asian Honor Cultures.” 

Chapter 12-Audrey Frank: “The Muslim Woman’s Journey from Shame to Honor.” 

Chapter 13-Rich James: “An Honor-Shame Gospel for Syrians Displaced by War: Jesus Christ as Good Shepherd and Honorable Patron.” 

Chapter 14-Katie Rawson: “A Gospel That Reconciles: Teaching about Honor-Shame to Advance Racial and Ethnic Reconciliation.” 

Chapter 15-Nolan Sharp: “The Book of Samuel: A Reconciling Narrative.”