2022 Financial Outlook (to be updated)
We’ve cleared our expenses and met our budget for the second year in a row. As I noted before, this is a grace considering we started this pioneer organization without any guarantees of sustainability. You are part of a team that’s made this possible. Total income for 2021 was $130,513. (Pledged donations, special gifts, & honorariums/services). Expenses totaled $123,800. We have the recommended six-month contingent in our balance. Biggest line items include: Net Salary - $52,170; Taxes withheld - $19,741; housing - $39,708 (of all living deductible housing expenses); continuing education- $6000; medical - $802; bookkeeping, payroll expenses, operations, ministry expenses (prayer letters, partner cultivation, etc.) - $4728
Our 2023 budget will be approved in early February. The board is looking at a cost-of-living adjustment to be 5% (vs. the usual 3%). Our profit/loss and balance sheets are available to you by request. If want any more specifics, please don’t hesitate to contact me. God is providing for Paul through the Philippians, and for Kingdom Rice through you. Thank you!