
Thank you for your interest in Kingdom Rice!

Thank you for your interest in giving to Kingdom Rice!

  • To set up a recurring gift or to give a special gift through my nonprofit's direct donation processor (Vanco) using your checking account routing number or credit card:  Click HERE
  • To give a special and/or recurring gift via US Mail or via your bank's BillPay: Make checks payable to: "Kingdom Rice."Mail to Steve Hong - Kingdom Rice, PO Box 210773, San Francisco CA 94121
  • To give a special gift via PayPal: Note that PayPal will take 2.5% of the sum; To use PayPal Click HERE

Kingdom Rice is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  EIN: 81-4825326.

All gifts are tax deductible (unless you invest via Fidelity, Schwab, Benevity, etc.). Those who pledge monthly typically invest $50 or $100 a month, some more, some less. There’s no minimum because God looks at the heart.

Please feel free to email me at [email protected]